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Treated "2nd Best": A Biblical Alignment for Rejection

Recently, as we headed to Kohls at 10:30PM (Yes, your read that right...PM), my 18 yr old daughter, Caris, and I were in a rather goofy mood (mostly due to the fact that my normal bed-time is 9PM because I lose my "spizzerinctum" after that hour and get either grumpy, comatose-like or goofy..and yes, you read that right...9PM).

In our "goofiness," the story of Leah somehow entered our conversation. I don't recall how it came to be the subject matter, but lo and behold, there we were, in the car, talking over how the Bible said Leah had "weak eyes."

"Leah had weak* eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful." (Gen. 29:17)

We tried to think through what that must have meant, knowing the invention of eyeglasses hadn't come about at that time...

We thought how she must have gotten this "label" of "weak eyes."

Did she bump into things all the time?

Was she spotted talking to the camels when she thought they were people?

Did she squint all the time and have deep wrinkles around her temples and forehead for doing so?

Did she have to put the scroll right up to her face when she worshipped at the temple?

Of course these scenarios arose quite a raucous of giggles as we pulled into our parking spot. But then, our compassionate hearts went out to Leah.

Because we know how her story goes...

To but it short...Leah was 2nd best. Rejected by her husband who wished and longed for another woman. And not just any woman, but her sister Rachel!

What a blow!

What heart-pain!

What embarrassment!

What feelings of "not being good enough!"

What personal bitterness for having been born with "weak eyes."

Caris and I left the conversation at that. Nothing more. We headed into Kohls for a quick return and exchange.

Then just a couple days later, the story of Leah comes to my attention once again.

God, you on to something?

Oh, I see. You want to touch my own heart when it feels "2nd best", "not good enough."

Perhaps you need to hear this, too.

The truth shared below is another facet of our God-given design He invites us to align ourselves to so we can live free, light for greatest Gospel impact! Amen.

Here is what I read. I have copied and pasted it below.

We often pity Jacob in Genesis 29, who got duped into working an extra seven years, but what about Leah?

Can you imagine waking up after your wedding night to discover sheer disappointment in your new husband’s eyes when he sees it’s you, not your beautiful younger sister?

That must have been so humiliating and devastating.

Genesis 29:30 tells us that Jacob’s love for Rachel was greater than his love for Leah.

Yet when the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He enabled her to conceive, while Rachel remained childless. With every son, Leah thought her husband’s heart would turn toward her.

With her first son Reuben, which means “Look a son,” Leah said, “Surely my husband will love me now” (Genesis 29:32b, NIV).

With the second Simeon, which means “Heard,” she declared, “Because the LORD heard I am not loved, he gave me this one too” (Genesis 29:33b, NIV).

With the third son Levi which means “Attached,” she said “Now at last my husband will become attached to me” (Genesis 29:34b, NIV).

Do you hear her continued pain at being Jacob’s less-loved wife?

The joy of motherhood was shadowed by grief from her love and loyalty not being returned.

Finally, something changes with her last child. Leah has son number four.

Judah, which means “Praise”.

When she gave birth, instead of longing for her husband’s love, she said...

“This time I will praise the LORD” (Genesis 29:35b, NIV).

In all our striving and longing for love, may we stop and declare with Leah,

“This time I will praise the LORD.”

When we praise God first, we find all the love in the world at our disposal.

Out of the tribe of Judah came the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Sure, Jacob had 12 sons, but which one does Scripture mention in Jesus’ lineage?

Only Leah’s son, Judah:

“Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers …” (Matthew 1:2, NIV).

From the lineage of an

unloved woman,

second best and the

object of her sister’s scorn

came the Messiah.

God saw Leah … and loved her.

May we, too, stop nurturing our feelings of rejection and instead, turn in praise to the God who can fix it all.

-Arlene Pellicane, Speaker & Author

(Go to Arlene's site to receive her Monthly Happy-Home Tips)

When in your life have you felt unloved? How did God minister to you during that time?

Share your Head2Heart Onward journey with us in the comments below.

You are loved!

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