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The Life He Gives & The Enemy Who is Out to Destroy it

Writer: CoachTami2.10CoachTami2.10

Let’s be honest here...It has been a challenging year, that is for sure. Though it has brought many a family together, it has also torn many apart. Both blood-families and Faith-families. Relationships broken, separated, isolated, left for “dead.”

So much change,

So much unknown,

So much loss, and

So much more to come.

But what about “So much life?”

If we were to take Jesus at His Word, then even when the thief comes upon us to steal, kill and destroy, we can confidently fall back on Jesus and His promise of His abiding presence that continually offers us an authentic, active, vibrant, devoted to God-life. A kind of Life we never knew possible or achievable on our own.

I want this, don’t you?

However, the truth is, our enemy knows we want this Life: the Life Jesus Himself offers and specifically designed us for...

And our enemy is out to do all he can to steal, kill and destroy any such life because he vehemently hates anything and anyone that reflects God.

That means you and me, because we are made image of God!

So, how does he steal and kill and destroy such?

Via multiple, motley-colored ways:





Unrealistic expectations

Lies taken as truth





The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10 (ESV)

God has designed us to have His life, His abundant life. God did not create us to wallow in hopelessness and despair. We were made to be filled with His love and to display His greatness by having his life living in and through our God-given design!

So, where are you in this incredible, Life-giving plan of His?

Are you sensing the enemy’s prowl and grip on your heart, mind and soul?

Are you needing a safe place to think this through? To have someone intentionally come alongside you, helping you peel back the layers and get to the crux of the battle?

What would it do for you today to be listened to, understood and encouraged to align your thinking and discovery with the truth?

How important is it to you to have the intentional help and support amidst such destructive artillery of satan’s thievery?

What is at stake if you don’t?

Your joy?

Your health?

Your family?

Your spouse?

Your faith?

Friend, I encourage you to invest in yourself during this pandemic. Without Christ and without the support of Christ-dedicated others, the thief will have the upper hand.

This Covid pandemic and all its “debris” is not your life. Jesus Christ says He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. He wants to Be your life and Give you Life. Abundant Life.

What is your next step? Life or death?

I am devoted to helping women break free from the overwhelm and align to their God-given design so they can experience His abundant life. Right now. And forever.

Consider investing in a coaching-journey with me:

Live Aligned to Your God-given Design of Abundant Life



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