My Story
"We are most alive, filled with joy, peace and fulfillment when we are free to be who we are and live out what flows from our
God-given design."
-Tami Thorsen
Helping You Live Aligned
to Your God-given Design
Living aligned to our God-given design for greatest eternal impact is not always easy, that is for sure; but, I am about to testify that it is worth pursuing every single God-given moment of our lives!
Thus the true story behind the makings of Masterpiece Coaching, LLC…
Once upon a time...
It all began before I was even born... (Psalm 139:16)
I had no idea I would be brought into this world, into a family of five living in Iowa.
My parents told me later, they, too, hadn’t quite planned on me, either…
"Surprise!" But God knew full well and ushered “Plan T.A.M.I” into public motion January 20, 1971.
He knew I was to be the youngest in my family, my sister being twenty years older than I. He knew I would be a “tom-boy” and love climbing, riding a Honda motorcycle, driving my own snowmobile through the winter Yellowstone tundra only to be chased by a raging buffalo…
...All the while, dreaming of being an overseas missionary, sharing the Gospel from my straw-hut in the hot African desert, stomping on scorpions and hiking hours to carry the Good News of the Gospel to those who had not yet heard and believed. Oh, don’t get me wrong, my “tom-boy-ishnes” by no means didn’t stop me from loving to play with Barbies, shop for clothes and dress up to the hilt!
As I grew older, I further discovered God’s unique design for me.
I loved spending time with people. Namely older people. Like old grandmas and grandpas. In fact, I would often be found walking barefoot, hair disheveled going door to door in the area of my neighborhood where several older homes housed such seasoned beings. I remember sitting on their front porches or their living room couches listening to their day and sharing about my Jesus.
What made me gravitate toward such an age?
I believe it was because they had time.
They had time to listen and they had time to share.
And not only did they have time, they enjoyed this time,
just as much, if not more, than I did!
And such ambience invited our conversations to go deep, beyond talking “weather,” to furrowing into the very essence of the heart.
What a life, right?
Well, like I mentioned before, It wasn’t always easy to be me.
As I grew up, I discovered the tension that exists in the world that, if succumbed to, would cast a weight upon, douse the flame of, and shackle God’s unique design He had penned for me to fulfill! (Psalm 139:16)
It wasn’t just the incessant ploy of peer-pressure or the natural ego to compare and compete, but it was also the painful twists and turns along the journey of life that shook me to the core and shattered my present stance on life and God.
This again, was a shocking surprise to me, but not to God.
He knew every intricate detail (Ps 139:1-4)…
Like the time my very first dog, Jypy, was shot and killed because it got loose and happened to be trotting on someone else’s farmland.
Like the time a high school friend died in a car accident over winter-road conditions, just a mile from my home.
Like when my parents came bursting into my bedroom when I was in elementary school to tell me they were planning to get a divorce. (of which they never did, whew.)
Like when I was called a “Jesus Freak” because I had posted Scripture verses inside my high school locker door.
Like when on the Bolivian mission field, after my mom had a stroke, we returned to the states only to sell their house, my only childhood home, and place them into a care-facility.
Like when I was diagnosed with a rare, auto-immune disease that targets the eyes, skewing the growth of my eyelashes and makes for ongoing discomfort.
Like when I had a biopsy on my eyeballs, a procedure that I was fully awake for and could hear the scraping of tissue coming off my eyeball likened to the sound of a vegetable peeler doing its job. (Excuse the grotesque details there…)
Like when this diagnosis made it painfully difficult to remain in Bolivia, causing us to leave our Bolivian home and end our eight-year ministry among these people.
Like when we said “good-bye” to Bolivia and I spiraled into almost three years of numbing depression.
Like when this depression grew into a fear of being with people, throwing me into isolation and deep-seated grief and anxiety.
Like when even leaving the isolation of my house to get the mail from my mailbox was the scariest endeavor ever!
All these true-life examples are just a glimpse into the plethora of painful, shocking twist and turns of my life journey. But none of these were a surprise to God. In fact, they were planned and orchestrated into His story for His glory and my very good.(James 1:2-4)
Indeed, these twists and turns forced my faith-life into the open to show its true colors!
An important dynamic of God’s design for each of us, is our free-will.
You and I have the choice to let each twist and turn skew and squelch the unique God-given design of our being and purpose.
For me, though I wasn’t flawless in always choosing to live aligned to God’s design, I wholeheartedly testify how the most amazing joy and fulfillment filled my life, by God’s grace, each time I did!
And the same goes for you, too!
God wants you to discover, grow and live out the unique God-given design He has planned and purposed for you. He knows how much pressure daily life in this world can thwart such radiant living, but He promises to empower you, guide you and provide for you so you can live wholly and consistently aligned to His design for greatest impact!
Yes, you read that right. Impact!
Living aligned to your God-given design leads to great eternal impact!
Not just on those around you, but on your very life!
Discovering and living aligned to how your loving and sovereign God has uniquely designed you offers you a stress-reduced, satisfying, fulfilling and generous life…the “abundant life” only God can give! (John 10:10)
God has shaped you and me with a unique personality , gifting, passions, experiences, temperaments and so forth to be expressed in ways only we can express as we remain aligned to His plan and purpose.
And I want to help you live out this way, every single moment of your life!
From this desire to help you, God has led me to become a life-coach and offer my service to people just like you who want to experience the peace of mind and soul as well as the exhilaration of freely living out your uniqueness, knowing every bit of your life counts and is valuable to God and others! (Ps 139:17)
God has used every chapter of my life to bring me to this very season of life where my professional Life-coaching ministry is fleshed out.
I have always had the desire to peel away the layers of my heart and let God speak into what I discover. I journaled many a page throughout my life, recording such treasures found in the deep waters of my heart.
I have always had the passion to do the same with others, like you, in my life:
To hear your heart, the deep things of your heart;
To offer to cut-to-the-chase and help you dig deeper to further discover your God-given design and encourage you to align yourself to it each and every moment! (Proverbs 20:5)
There is, and will only be, one God
and there is, and will only be,
one you.
Let’s begin digging and aligning and impacting together!
How would you like to gain deeper awareness, clarity and confidence in your unique God-given design and live this out with genuine passion and fulfillment?
Prayerfully consider how God may be inviting you to begin a Life-coaching Journey with me.
Schedule your free, 15-minute consult call with me today.