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Masterpiece Living Logo

Further grow, develop & align to your God-given design...

​So WHAT you DO matches WHO you ARE

...with greater joy and impact!

Together we will...

Your life has a purpose.
Your story is important.
YOU are designed with a purpose
Created to make an impact
In Ephesians 2:10, God says You are His Masterpiece
Gifted to make a difference and influence lives... 
Tami Thorsen, a professional Christian life coach so you can know and live out your God-given purpose



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Stories of Life Change
Hear a testimonial of transformation from a recent Masterpiece Living Client

Joy Canupp

There is not another person in my life that could have guided me through that life transition in the way that this coaching relationship did.

Absolutely worth the time and financial investment!


The value of my experience being coached by Tami cannot be given an adequate price tag or slot on the calendar! Each session was incredibly productive in moving me forward in several big areas of life.


We can all benefit from good coaching and I would highly recommend Tami to be that coach!

Stories of Life Change

Image by Luke Porter

Theresa Bowman

Disciple of Christ, wife, mother, friend

Being coached by Tami helped me by encouraging me to see the blind spots in my life.


One thing I liked best about Tami coaching me was I know that Tami is doing her absolute best to allow the Holy Spirit to lead her and that is ultimately what I desire in working with a life coach.


I would recommend Tami for Life-coaching to people who need an outside source of personal direction towards Christ. I sought to see areas of my life that I wasn't aligned in that I wasn't living out the promises of God as I thought I was.

A stay-at-home mother of four and pastor's wife finds great value in being coached by Tami Thorsen

Meghan Cavin

Pastor’s wife, mother of 4, photographer

I felt very overwhelmed with big responsibilities and wanted to do the deep work of seeing why I even felt overwhelmed in the first place.


As Tami coached me, I discovered patterns that spanned across my entire life which helped me return to truth based on who God has made me to be and living aligned to that.


Being coached by Tami helped me recognize the limiting beliefs I had in how God designed me as I am. Tami helped draw out God's purposes for my life and I am exactly who He intended me to be without mistake.

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Discovery Call

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Take my Masterpiece Coaching Readiness Quiz:  

Tami Thorsen, an ICF PCC Credentialed coach helps you live aligned to your God-given purpose
Tami Thorsen brings Scripture to Practical Life by coaching you reflect, further discover and live out your God-given design
Tami Thorsen is a licensed COACH Model trainer to help you multiply your impact offering Keith Webb's COACH Model Workshop

Be trained

Pic of Me_1.13.25.png
Develop your leadership skills for greater impact by receiving Online COACH Model Workshop Training

Join me online!

Individual or Group/Team Training

Learn, experience, and practice the art of developing people without telling them what to do!

Be it spoken on-site at a conference, training, special event or virtual via a webinar, interview, FaceBook Live; 


Or... be it written for a social media post, article, blog or book... 


...I am passionate when it comes to communicating God's Truth in ways that are personally engaging, practical, deep and Gospel-centered so those who hear are inspired to further know and live aligned to their God-given design for personal joy and greatest impact!

Interested in reading/hearing a snippet or two from my archives as you consider how your next group event, retreat or conference would benefit from being encouraged and challenged by God's Word in this way? 

Check out my blog posts, a short snippet of me speaking truth regarding life-transitions or a recorded Webinar below...

My hand's-on training will equip you to...

  • Listen actively so others feel understood.

  • Ask powerful questions that initiate a change of thinking.

  • Generate feedback that avoids defensiveness.

  • Design action steps that will actually be accomplished.

  • Follow-up to increase learning and accountability.

  • Naturally using the COACH Model®.

  • Adopt the mindsets of transformational leaders.

  • Integrate coaching skills into your specific leadership roles.

Keith Webb, founder of Creative Results Management and creator/author of The COACH Model ® says...

"People who take this workshop see significant advancements in their ministry

impact, while seeing their stress and busy-ness go down.


Coaching skills will increase your effectiveness in your various ministry and

leadership roles."  

Coaching is a powerful approach to ministry.

It is a transformational tool for discipleship and leadership development.

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